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Waterfall Tour in Indonesia Screamer

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Visits to nature in Indonesia object actually has a value of its own pleasure for many backpaker and traveler who menyintai world of tourism. Among the natural tourism object in backpakeran time looking out of the city is looking for a waterfall tour in Indonesia fantastic for in coming. Do not know just for the sheer enjoy its natural state, take pictures with friends narcissistic fellow traveler to the area looking for wedding photo. Create a waterfall tour, in Indonesia there are some that can be found at all but just how alone whose name is famous in the hunter class tourist objects in Indonesia. Further explanation ayongetrip team. com about how the falls were most favored by many people in Indonesia.

Moramo Waterfall KENDARI
Create a waterfall tourism object in Sulawesi can be said to be the pride Moramo that is very special due to the form of the most beautiful waterfalls in this one can say it is unique. Location of Niagara Falls in the village Moramo Sumberasih, Moramo district, Regency Konawe South, Southeast Sulawesi. Why can be called unique because the shape of the waterfall is different from other waterfalls as well as having its own appeal in general compare waterfall. Moramo waterfall has a form-level rise up to reach a height of 100 mtr .. Waterfall in Southeast Sulawesi is divided into 7 major steps and several tens of small steps that are very good in the eye of the beholder as to create a waterfall enjoy bertangga

History convey behold discovery Moramo Waterfall is just a coincidence or an accident. The origin of the discovery of a waterfall Moramo Transmograns stems from a person who witnessed the island of Java, there is a beautiful waterfall which has a form when another cut down the middle of the jungle when anoa and want to capture a moment that took place on the th. 1980-1982.
Access to the waterfall Moramo classified as difficult if not necessarily bring personal transportation or rental, starting from Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi capital towards the Village Sumberasih use when approximately 2, 5 hours with a distance of 65 km. Had already arrived at the entrance to the Cape nature reserve Peropa, so visitors need to add a journey by foot approximately 2 km. throughout the 30 minutes. Fun while resting some backpaker can take pictures while on an old bridge there began to be recognized since the time of the Dutch.

Sipiso Piso Waterfall
Most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia this one there was ill much Dengah Lake Toba. Sipiso piso this time written as the highest waterfall in Indonesia number 4 with a height of 120 mtr .. The exact location of the waterfall there north side of Lake Toba in Sitongging village, approximately 24 km approx. of Kabanjahe, which is also the capital city Karo. At the beginning there Sipiso-piso waterfall coming from the underground river in the Karo plateau that runs through a cave in terms of the crater of Lake Toba.
 Tickets go Sipiso piso Rp 5. 000 / person, after several visitors must pay a fee of several thousand children down the stairs first with a travel time of 1 hour for up to Sipiso piso. On the long journey to this waterfall, tourists can see the beauty of the way right away "Samosir Island Lake Toba Travel Heaven" Lake Toba in terms Tongging

Two Color Sibolangit Waterfall 

Waterfall tourism in Indonesia after the waterfall the two colors, exactly as the name implies, because this waterfall really punyai 2 colors, namely blue color on the new waterfall falling and grayish white water fitting
already there under, where they have examined the detailed manner waterfall Two Color comes from phosfor content and sulfur that came from Sibayak, therefore, that each of each visitor who comes traveled to the waterfall tour in which the field is prohibited for drinking water available in two colors this waterfall. Therefore, there are two colors in the waterfall is created it looks more beautiful and has its own exoticism.
Access to the sights Waterfall Two Colors, the first can start from the city of Medan, with a current estimated needs about 2 to 3 hours for up to these attractions, due to the distance from Medan to the district is about 75 km and articles. Should have arrived in the District and articles, it may soon be heading to camping grounds and articles, do not worry be able to go places where they have lost the waterfall because the two colors already posted many referrals definite direction or may be lost if still concerned may use the tour guide services for a fee approximately USD 100 000 / day.

Waterfall Madakaripura Probolinggo
Waterfall Tourism Madakaripura (Madakaripura Waterfall) Probolinggo East Java, Charm and beauty of Niagara Falls just Madakaripura you to enjoy in our city, ke'alamian, coolness is not inferior to the grandeur of Mount Bromo or the highest peak in Java, the Mount Semeru 3 676Mdpl, for we are called to come to this one tour. 
If you vacation together family, colleagues and relatives Travel to Mount Bromo, do not forget to stop by the waterfall Madakaripura. Madakaripura waterfall is inside the National Park Bromo-Tengger-Semeru which offer fantastic scenic beauty. Place waterfall Madakaripura morbidly too far from the tourist object Mount Bromo, which is in the village of weaning, excl Kapupaten Lumbang, Probolinggo. the distance is approximately 3 hours drive from Surabaya and 45 minutes from Mount Bromo area. According to the legend of the folk narrative and the Origins of Madakaripura Falls. Madakaripura waterfall is a meditation room last duke of Gajah Mada of Majapahit kingdom who loved many people with the oath palapanya, towering waterfalls waterfall was dubbed lasting because it starts from the first era remain smooth pour like rain water curtains. 
Madakaripura a charming waterfall hidden at the end of the valley in the foothills of the Tengger. You need roads 
approximately 20 minutes to cross the river and rocky path to reach the waterfall Madakaripura. although far enough, treats beautiful green scenery on either side of the path to the waterfall is a Madakaripura own entertainment which can eliminate fatigue. Statue Patih Majapahit, Gajah Mada in the sitting position as reprimand meditation every time before connecting visitors travel further into the center of the waterfall. The path that you can go through to get to the waterfall Madakaripura finished in a valley that is shaped like a tube where there is a waterfall elevations of 200 mtr. Looks dashing looming. Madakaripura waterfall to waterfall dubbed the most beautiful waterfall in Java and the 2nd highest in Indonesia. Surrounded by walls shaped high stone cliffs, and waterfalls discharge Madakaripura falling amaze anyone who sees it. at the altitude of 200 mtr space. Charm sunlight highlights the wet green moss in the rocky walls offset the water rumbling sound an unlikely spectacle it was found in another room. 

For a space that needs to historical, sacred, and the state as well as stunning natural situation, Madakaripura Waterfall Tourism is among the main tourism object in East Java, not just traveled to Mount Bromo, by then it was our Bromo tour package also offers tour packages for you Madakaripura Bromo, which is supposed to terjangakau package price for you.

SRI  Gethuk Waterfall in Tourism Village Bleberan

Create the most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia that we can peel the latest among such places of tourist attractions in Jogja most in demand by some backpaker the waterfall tour Sri Gethuk. This waterfall area in Menggoran Hamlet, Village Bleberan Playen District in the area of Gunung Kidul, more or less about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Create headed to the waterfall sri gethuk roads that need to be quite tiring due to the constantly uphill with many ravines on the right and left of the road. But it is a beautiful natural scenery can drive a little tiredness can be a sense of wonder of this nature. 
Arriving in the area's tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, the traveler may be greeted with large rocks and too far from the waterfall was visible figure of Sri Gethuk with waterfall thundering tone. If the flow of the waterfall is not too heavy, the average visitor is always some way to fit under and close to the falls to feel the sensation of berbasah ria splash waterfalls, and streams of water on the rocks.


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