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Arts Ludruk in Surabaya

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Some of the subject which can be used for A draw for travelers coming to the city of Surabaya. For example only are many attractions that can be visited, Surabaya Hotels with a variety of services and rates that can be selected, or more than one place that put the events of interesting travelers who are interested in the A event. Not only about the various above there is one more thing that can be used, which is typical of Surabaya like ludruk art. 

Likely that some people have been known art ludruk. Ludruk ie between the traditional art of East Java, which is traditional to take a narrative drama about the lives of everyday people, etc who struggle narrative accompanied by the music of the gamelan. This art can be shown on stage by a group of art. There are 2 versus regarding the origin of the name ludruk, versus the first reply came from the molo-molo (mouth full of tobacco quid and will be discarded and carry out sentences that ballad / dialogue) and gedrak-gedruk (feet pounding that when dancing in stage). Moment versus that of the 2nd coming of the gela-gelo (shaking his head fit dancing) and gedrak-gedruk. 
According to the origin can appear behold he said there are 2 elements in this show, the verbal and visual elements. Verbal elements that are used in ludruk comprises 2, the dialogue and singing. The average score on the parts of dialogue interspersed with jokes will make the audience laugh for. Dialogue in ludruk made ​​with Idioms that straightforward so lightly understood by faction nonintelek and have entertaining with properties characteristic of Surabaya. For a visual element composed of two types, namely dances and scenes fit on stage. The movement which is run by players ludruk in principle the same as the theater generally, it's just the ludruk movement or scene is also not able to be found only when the narrative again underway but also when the chanting (singing) right before the beginning of the show when the narration at the start. The model seems typical of many players who make the show ludruk ludruk so become more attractive, coupled with slapstick movement created a series of entertaining viewers as chanting.


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