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Cheap Traveling Tips To Europe

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Going to Europe almost as well as the cost of expensive, like an expensive plane ticket contonhya. But it is actually not the only thing that could not if we wanted to go to Europe with a cheaper fare. Most of the advice below is able to be an alternative for the crushing cost of European travel:

Plane ticket purchase 

1. Buy a plane ticket to one of the first European country pingin visit. Referred Netherlands or Germany because many can we have in this country, outside of the many airlines that immediately landed in these two countries for the price of the ticket so it is relatively cheaper.

2 Buy plane ticket by way of on-line cheaper than buying in travel agents, even if there is a promotion can be up to 600-700 euros for a round-trip (approximately 7, 5 million)

3. price season ticket what influenced in the direction of the country. See what the season, Summer: The start approximately mid-May or early June to late August (generally the most all-time ticket is due to coincide with the holiday season)

Winter: The start mid / late October to late March. Not just for Christmas, and Th. New in December, it can be said this time of the season is relatively cheap plane ticket

Spring: late March to June

Fall-Mid-August to October

After Plane Ticket

After the plane ticket, visa processing priority. For visas in fact we simply apply for a visa to one country, and most of the first countries who want to visit. Assessments of documents, cost and other subject? Can be viewed on the web site semasing embassy. Later we'll visa "Schengen" visa where with this one we can be to 25 countries in Europe. However, the need to remember, this visa for UK countless.
Schengen visa valid for 3 months only. and make a trip like that character for a moment: a business trip, on vacation, and not only for permanent residence. To be able to look at the complete schengenvisa. cc or axaschengen. com / en / visa-info


For practical transport we can use "Eurorail Global Pass". With the canal ticket for 350 euros (about 4 million) we can go up and down the train anywhere in 23 European countries as long as 15 days. Make sure the time before the trip we conducted reserve a seat first let me hold not get a seat and have to stand the whole way.

Welcome to travel you


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