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Travelling to Niagara Falls Attractions waterfall Nine Bengkulu

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Travelling to Niagara Falls Attractions waterfall Nine Bengkulu  --- Bengkulu not only have a unique and rare flowers, Rafflesia Arnoldi. Among the provinces in Sumatra may have a unique and distinctive tourist, the Nine Levels Waterfall or Nine commonly referred waterfall. 

This waterfall is called Nine Levels Waterfall because the water flow is stratified (cascade). 

You are interested in visiting these places is recommended to prepare the physical state of well. This sort of thing is triggered terrain would pass pretty heavy. Therefore, the object of this tour totally according to your lovers or fans of adventure activities in the wild. 

Contained in a protected natural forest location. Hence at this location remains found diverse flora and fauna typical. 

The trees and shrubs will be of friends who accompany your trip. Hills and forest protected area with dense vegetation is the main point that you need to skip to the waterfall. 

In total you will pay off fatigue while you are up in the waterfall. Panorama that unfolds before the eyes indeed as a masterpiece of the Creator. 

Average flow waterfall has water falling straight from top to bottom, but ill with Nine Levels Waterfall this. 

Here the water flowing from the top of the straight falling ill, but flows making levels. The water that flows from the top of the hill through the twists and turns levels on the sidelines of green plants, it makes an unbelievable panorama. 

Interestingly, the levels it also makes it seem small waterfall is really beautiful. 

Waterfalls mileage Nine Levels of Airport Bengkulu Fatmawati approximately 120 km

Travelers who want to come to this place could utilize Selan mountain trails or through the capital of the North Bengkulu Argamakmur. 

Next, proceed to the District of Padang Jaya. From Padang Jaya tourists need to walk towards the end of the village. 

For travelers who have not come to this place not to be afraid behold you will get lost in the jungle, because in these places there is a guide service that is ready to take you to up to a waterfall. 


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