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Ecotourism Mangrove Forest Surabaya

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If You want to be on vacation who feel calm and surrounded by beautiful natural scenery that there is no need to get out of the island of Java? Try to come to Surabaya. After obtaining hotels in Surabaya, you can go to Ecotourism Mangrove Forest in eastern Surabaya. 

Mangrove jungle instrumental for the protection of the coastal location of the storm and resist erosion, sea water effects. Mangroves are also willing jungle right nutrients for fish and so home to various species of style that is not found in other locations. Not to mention, this location may put millions of carbon and able to control flooding. Therefore, the presence of mangrove jungle is very absolute. Unfortunately, mangrove jungle in Indonesia now only 3 remaining amount, 6 million hectares of about 9 million hectares in th. 2000.
Surabaya alone how many have the biggest mangrove forest in Indonesia, as well Wonorejo is Ecotourism Mangrove Mangrove reserve Newer (WAM). Both are among the Surabaya city government's efforts to preserve the presence of gentlemen Mangrove jungle reduce abrasion on the east coast of Surabaya. 

Ecotourism Area Wonorejo contained in Wonorejo Highway Number 1 Rungkut. Heading into this place very lightly, because there on the highway is very likely you mancapainya either two-wheelers or four-wheeled. 

To enjoy this location up close, visitors can take advantage of the boat berkapasits 30 people, which currently consume approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Visitors can also walk along the jogging track made ​​of woven bamboo during jungle. Jogging track is so very comfortable and cool in the right and left because there are trees that shade you from the sun light. 

This area is the habitat of rare birds protected as Java Shop, egrets, and kingfisher. Mangrove debt as Wonorejo often make room for planting mangrove trees by a few enthusiasts environment. Beyond that, too many tourist recommendations made ​​as either domestic or foreign, for example just as a pilot project in the Mangrove Ecosystem Conversation and Sustainable Use (MECS), cooperation with the Ministry MOFR RI and Japan International Agency (JICA). 

Not only reserve Wonorejo Mangrove, you can also visit the mangrove forest to another, is Newer Manyar Tourism (WAM) that exist in the area of ​​Mount Newer. This area really is a new ecotourism site which was inaugurated on January 1, 2010. 

At this location, visitors not only accompanied by a variety of exotic birds, but also long tails of monkeys that roam about the jungle. Just fit in Wonorejo, visitors can also move around the site through the jungle on foot and utilizing a boat that can be rented at a price that is not too expensive down the river around the jungle. 

How, interested in visiting the mangrove eco-tourism in Surabaya?


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