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1. Decide camper area.
When this has been a lot of places that provide travel directions for camper area. For example in mountain areas Kawi, kelud mountain and other mountain areas. Have news regarding his place through the Internet or a survey soon. Who definitely need to look for is whether a source close to the water, what is far away from the highway so able to understand what kind of vehicle that can get in the stricken area. When you have to make sure area, quickly ask permission to the distinguished authorities / police on the ground and can specify how much longer is local.

2. Give tidings to the participants.
We need to give that complete news regarding the camper area, map, compass, GPS, HT needs to be there. Also news of what needs to be done suppose there is an emergency situation. What are some that are allowed and prohibited camping fitting. For example: do not cause damage to existing plants, pollute water, burning dry leaves etc.. Mandatory equally as concerned for their colleagues suppose acquiring a problem, exhausted. because in the jungle is not only we who menenpati

3. Bring personal gear.
Do not forget to bring personal gear and carrying food supplies that were taken lightly and not busy in their provision. Add canned food, mineral water or instant food. Recommended foods add a lot to bring a precaution assume no subject that is not in there such as the desire and need to spend the night straggler longer. Drinking water and bathing water certainly in capable of the closest water source. And do not forget to bring a lighter, flashlight, mosquito repellent and warm clothing. Not to forget P3K equipment such as bandages, wind oil, red medicine, ointment, plaster, handsaplas and so on.


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