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Recognize, Love, and Enjoy in Indoneisa 
travelling enjoy with family

travelling enjoy with family
Indonesia is a country that has a variety of wildlife, flora, and fauna. The scenery is very beautiful, charming. variety of diverse areas of indigenous cultures that exist in Indonesia. travelling enjoy with family tries to expose a variety of cultures, biodiversity elements of nature, sea creatures and many more. 
travelling enjoy with familyfor those of you who want to travel with the family to prepare lunch, physically, and mentally you to enjoy sightseeing in several regions in Indonesia. from the west end of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where there is an island that has a distinctive regional culture of Sumatra, and a variety of animal biodiversity, tourism in Sumatra. the second island of Java, Java island here there are also many tourist attractions, the island of Java consists of 3 provinces: West Java, Central Java, East Java Province. But there are also DKI (Special Capital Region) Jakarta, DKI Jakarta is a capital of the Republic of Indonesia which can say derah Metropolis .. 
travelling enjoy with familyJava Island has a very beautiful natural resources, all of which exist in Indonesia is a natural wealth that we must guard, take care, and enjoy the scenery, Do not damage the surrounding natural environment. Next is the island of Bali, Bali island known by the nickname of the island where most of the Hindu culture and society have beaches are very beautiful that is worth the visit. 
Next island of Borneo, Sulawesi Island also has many diverse biological natural resources are very abundant. Tourism in the area is also worth visiting. 
Next Island Raja Ampat which is a nickname for the foreign tourists Heaven. The scenery is very beautiful and charming wah can not express in words if you visit there. 
Thus exposure of Travelling enjoy with family introduce Indonesia 
Welcome to Indonesia 
Happy Holidays with family 
recognize, love, enjoy in Indonesia

travelling enjoy with family


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