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Travel Insurance Tips Wearing Much as may be | Travelling Enjoy With Family


Travelling Enjoy With Family - For those of you who frequently travel out of town or out of the country be it for business problems or enjoy travelling with the family, so it helps you make the protection of your trip with travel insurance. The main intention of travel insurance that makes your protection from possible along the way you do it. Likely the most fatal of the trip, especially with the plane crash. If you are not covered by insurance, so cost recovery is costly accidents and possible loss of revenue because you can no longer actively work will make your finances getting worse as had fallen down stairs. For the purposes of this travel insurance necessary.

Whatever is covered by travel insurance? With a general way the following points covered by travel insurance

The possibility that due to accident, illness along the way, the cost of medical healing, etc..
Losses due to the cancellation of the tour cost, departure delay or acceleration of the schedule that has been collated, the losses due to the technical problems of the related airline, behind aircraft, aircraft piracy, and loss of, damage to, or entrainment of luggage.
 travelling enjoy with family

How steps to obtain travel insurance? 

Now this is almost entirely a travel agency in kompliti by means of the possibility of travel insurance protection. You stay convince it to your travel agent. If there is no insurance coverage, you can ask the agency to the trip. 

Advantages wear travel insurance: 

User travel insurance more seriously mistaken in doing tourist or business travel, therefore, if you make a trip abroad and had to stay several days, so the embassy is easier to agree on your visa request. 

Travel insurance claims procedure 

By way of general travel insurance claim procedure is as follows: 

If the ongoing possibility of an accident or illness example, pointed speedily complete your system with the claim form with supporting documents such as copy of flight ticket (e-ticket), the original boarding pass, a copy of the front page of the passport, copy of passport page where risk takes place. 
If you need medical care in the state intent, so the system can claim dialkukan with 2 steps (depends policies and working relationships with the travel agents insurance companies) which costs paid promptly by your travel agent or system change after the loss of your return to the country of origin.

With a special way, there are two claims are often submitted by the insured on the insurance providers pearwatan perjalanana the cost of medical claims and disability claims continue to cause accidents or death by mechanisms such as the following claims: 

Complementary documents claim form: 
The original claim form 
Copy of ticket / travel itinerary 
Copy of passport 

Complementary documents claim the cost of medical care 

Original receipt of cost recovery 
Medical info from the hospital as well as the results of laboratory control 
Medical reports results of hospital visits 
Medical info from the hospital or the doctor who treated him 
Receipt for plane ticket / rail / sea transport 

Overall mortality and disability due to accident continues 

The original letter of medical information 
An autopsy original / notarized 
The original police report / legalized 
The original death certificate / legalized 
The results of X-ray control 
The letter continues defect information from the treating physician

Avoid rejection guide travel insurance claims 

If you follow the entire agreement clause listed in the insurance policy, travel insurance so your claims will be accepted. Actually many of us who do not understand, or do not care about it until their claim was rejected by the insurance company. To avoid this it is a good idea to learn a lot of things as a driver following your claim is not accepted by the insurance company: 

Not including in clause (contractual agreement), for example: death due to an accident, but in fact because the client died so sick death claims will not be paid 
Also included in the exceptions, for example: natural disasters, nuclear, war, and they travel ban by local authorities on autu place, and the time to do exercise extreme accidents, such as bungee jumping, horse riding, diving, and so on. 
Documents that are not complete so often triggers your travel insurance is not accepted. You can learn what are the documents required Yag like the description above. 
Too late to pay premiums that are due or even not buy an insurance policy has been purchased ticket despite traveling. 
Too late to do insurance claims, generally obtained when the tolerance is in 30-60 days. 
Included in the group of insurance crime, namely self mencemoohkai intend to obtain insurance claim.

take advantage of the travel insurance tips enjoy traveling with family
hopefully useful for those of you who do business or tourist trips


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