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Recognize, Love, and Enjoy in Indoneisa 
travelling enjoy with family

travelling enjoy with family
Indonesia is a country that has a variety of wildlife, flora, and fauna. The scenery is very beautiful, charming. variety of diverse areas of indigenous cultures that exist in Indonesia. travelling enjoy with family tries to expose a variety of cultures, biodiversity elements of nature, sea creatures and many more. 
travelling enjoy with familyfor those of you who want to travel with the family to prepare lunch, physically, and mentally you to enjoy sightseeing in several regions in Indonesia. from the west end of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where there is an island that has a distinctive regional culture of Sumatra, and a variety of animal biodiversity, tourism in Sumatra. the second island of Java, Java island here there are also many tourist attractions, the island of Java consists of 3 provinces: West Java, Central Java, East Java Province. But there are also DKI (Special Capital Region) Jakarta, DKI Jakarta is a capital of the Republic of Indonesia which can say derah Metropolis .. 
travelling enjoy with familyJava Island has a very beautiful natural resources, all of which exist in Indonesia is a natural wealth that we must guard, take care, and enjoy the scenery, Do not damage the surrounding natural environment. Next is the island of Bali, Bali island known by the nickname of the island where most of the Hindu culture and society have beaches are very beautiful that is worth the visit. 
Next island of Borneo, Sulawesi Island also has many diverse biological natural resources are very abundant. Tourism in the area is also worth visiting. 
Next Island Raja Ampat which is a nickname for the foreign tourists Heaven. The scenery is very beautiful and charming wah can not express in words if you visit there. 
Thus exposure of Travelling enjoy with family introduce Indonesia 
Welcome to Indonesia 
Happy Holidays with family 
recognize, love, enjoy in Indonesia

travelling enjoy with family


Guide Family Vacationing Together


Tips Vacationing Together Family is next vacation tips. Sometimes we use while on vacation with family at home. Earlier we might holiday spirit going very fast but generally bored when there is no activity of interest. Therefore, in the beginning I give 5 Tips Vacationing Anti Bored.
travelling enjoy with family

Guide Family Vacationing Together 

1 Observe These Travel 

The main routes of travel so once when doing the trip. Especially for long-distance travel this sort of thing should really be noticed. Prepare a map that can help you if you do not understand the circumstances that will be visited. Think for a place that you will visit during the trip. 

2. Restaurant and Rest Area 

To go to distant places definitely hunger can come at any time. Therefore set an eating schedule that fits .. Example when before going to eat was first. Prepare a recommendation for a great meal anticipation circumstances that might take place. Searching on google. co. en to be a lot of info about good place to eat. Consider also a rest stop for a moment because ingindara circumstances also should be noticed for the safety of the trip. 

3 Circumstances Vehicle 

The state of the vehicle is one among the main thing to note. During the trip a bit difficult to find repair shops that can do the repair state of your vehicle. Therefore prepare your vehicle situation. Make sure if it is safe for a family trip dear. 

4. Bekal 

It can not lose the primary to be taken. To address the problem of hunger on the street can bring lunch. Moreover, it is vital to carry water because thirst is also going on the trip as well as exhausting. Provisions were taken also not to be wasted because too excessive vain. Type of food is generally brought snacks easy to carry because the exception is not to make food the stomach nausea when traveling away .. 

5.'s Drugs 

Make sure you bring an medicinal drugs to members of your family such as wind oil, oil telon and Antimo (drugs for long trips). Especially for young children who might not have the habit to travel far these drugs can be very helpful in trip. 

6 Fuel 

This is so very key when you are doing long trips predict how much money you need to pay keularkan enough fuel for up to your intentions. 

7 Games 

Sometimes when time is not always an exciting place periwisata so prepare toys that can be played entirely engrossed age as well as cards and other games. At least this will be able to handle boredom journey time to a place of tourism. 

Similarly, I have prepared the trick as well as a guide for your entire holiday period will undergo when engrossed her off hopefully after reading. Guide Family Vacationing Together 
tips enjoy with family


Modes Crimes in Tourism needs in Know


Mode different Crimes that need to know and to be alert for vacation when a tourism city in the various crowds of visitors.

travelling enjoy with family

Tourist destinations or Tourism Objects in various cities that many traffic or visitors it is not often become the tender for some criminals (pickpocketing). and in every city has a different pickpocketing modus operandi, therefore, to some tourists must know Modes His Crime, as well as in demanded for more alert in holiday a Tourism City in various many visitors.

This is from traveling enjoy with family city that many modes evil that you need to know

Under this evil mode in tour destinations that need to know and to examine the visiting time in a part of  destination that crowds of visitors him :

travelling enjoy with family

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

In the city most Vietnam, evil that often take place in the tourist snatcher cycle motor. Snatcher took a bag, tourists and immediately hurried and go out of the events. Therefore, if you go to this city, clung on bag and would not is on the shoulders so that it does not take the easy.

London, England

Pickpocketing in the capital city just British style. They work is very smoothly, when mobile phones or laptop You are taking, overnight some work has sold again. To retrieve it from wearing carelessness tourists in restaurants, the station, hotel or any place that many. Always monitored his work high-you, don't treat views from him.

Rome, Italy

Rome is popular many copetnya. Crime rate in this city is quite high, to the events fad make a picture in tourists are very often take place. In the streets, tour destinations or the public transportation, do not have never lose your awareness.

Prague, Czech Republic

In Prague, pickpocketing work by the way in groups. Generally wore children with their faces plain, to make your compassion and does not understand that they aim at work high-you.

Keep items are always when doing your tour. We hope that this article is useful for the readers salam Traveling Enjoy With Family


Tips Travelling With Family

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BEFORE  people  GO
tips travelling with family

  • Research  simple   all about   the  destination
  • Leave  a good  copy  of the  itinerary  with a  trusted family member  or even  friend
  • Make  a good   record   involving   ticks  emergency information
  • Go  more than   simple   safety measures  information, rules,  AND  procedures,  just like  what  to help  do  whether or not   an individual   acquire  lost  or  sick


  • Travel light
  • Pack essentials  Utilizing your  carry-on bag
  • Bring childproofing supplies,  such as  electrical  shop  covers  IN ADDITION TO  baby gates
  • Bring  decrease   the   uncomplicated   first   aid  kit
  • Remember  ones  rules  regarding  what  You can   move forward   IN ADDITION TO  what  Needs   for you to   become  checked  Whenever  flying.  most of these  rules  likewise  apply  to help  liquids  similar to  milk  or maybe  formula.  Navigate to the  Transportation  safety  Administration  internet site   to help   know   further   all about   most of these  rules.      

 ON  ones  ROAD
tips travelling with family

  • Make sure  It   the  children  are generally   with   confirmed   child   safety measures  seats  Just like   expected   because of the  National Highway Traffic  safety measures  Administration:
Infants (under 20 lbs.)  Just in case   be   throughout  rear-facing convertible seats  with  harness straps  from   as well as  below shoulder level
Toddlers (20-40 lbs.)  In the event that   become   in  forward-facing convertible seats  inside  harness straps  with   or even  above shoulders
Young children (more  than  40 lbs.)  In the event   MAKE USE OF   a great  forward-facing, belt positioning. Booster seat  by the  lap belt fitting low  ALONG WITH  tight  About the  lap/upper thigh  location   ALONG WITH  shoulder belt snug  About the  chest  IN ADDITION TO  shoulder.
  • If  ones  children  tend to be  old enough not  in order to  need  a great   youngster   stability  seat,  Make sure you  they wear  the  seat belts
  • Never leave  your own  children alone  Utilizing your  car      

AT  the  AIRPORT  AND ALSO   for the  AIR

  • Explain  safety measures   IN ADDITION TO   safety  procedures, rules  AS WELL AS  instructions
  • Instruct  your  children  to help  cooperate  throughout  airport  stability  officials
  • Tell  the  children not  to be able to  make jokes  or  false threats  exactly about   safety measures  issues
  • Your children  Should   possibly be   within   validated   boy   protection  seats  whether or not  they  call for  them.  your current   Prerequisites   intended for   boy   safety measures  seats  throughout  cars  also  apply  to  airplanes.
  • Check  from   Specifications   regarding  strollers, diaper bags,  and also other  baby  AS WELL AS   boy  equipment

IN  your current  HOTEL

  • Check  ones  hotel room  intended for  potential hazards,  just like  electrical  stores   AND ALSO  furniture  within  sharp corners
  • Find  your own  nearest fire exits, fire alarm, fire extinguisher/hose  to   your current  room
  • Teach  ones  children  simple  emergency procedures,  such as  what  for you to  do  could   of the  fire
  • Keep potentially hazardous items,  just like  toiletries, out  connected with  kids' reach
  • Supervise  your current  kids  with   many  times

tips travelling with family

  • Supervise  your current  children closely, particularly  throughout   recognized  restrooms, large crowds,  AND ALSO  near swimming pools  or  bodies  regarding  water
  • Set ground rules  regarding  curfews  IN ADDITION TO   safety measures  issues
  • Make sure  your  children cross streets  In your  supervision
  • If lost, instruct  the  kids  to   stop by   the  agreed  on   protected   location   AS WELL AS  stay there
  • Dress  your own  kids  throughout  distinctive  or  brightly colored clothes  in order to  make them  further  visible
  • Write  along   your  contact  exactly about   a  index  CARDS   ALONG WITH   area   The idea   With your  kids' pockets  to be able to  make contacting  anyone  easier
  • Tell  the  children not  to be able to   get  anything  by   a great  stranger  or even   squat   at any place   which has a  stranger
  • Check play areas  with regard to  potential hazards,  including  sharp edges  or perhaps  openings  through which   your current  children  could possibly help   consider  stuck
  • Make sure  the  kids have  AS WELL AS   USE   proper   protection  equipment,  like  helmets  AS WELL AS  life vests,  with regard to   any  activities  The item   call for  them        


Countries That Have Not Identifiable Tourists, But Must Visit

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1. Kiribati 

Kiribati is a country that is very remote. Found in the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati is isolated from the outside world. But the people are very friendly, the landscape and the sea coast is also ready to be explored. 

travelling enjoy with family
The parts of the island is very isolated even, until the population still remains primitive. Desiring to go here? 

2. Afghanistan 

Afghanistan as the war, to date. Travelers need to be extra careful when it would come to this country. Although in fact, Afghanistan has a history and culture that is very strong due traversed the Silk Road in the old days. 

One of the coolest places in Afghanistan that the rest of the giant Buddha statues at Bamiyan. Afghan women are also pretty popular! 

3. Yemen 

Yemen is an Arab country among the most welcoming to tourists. Despite the ongoing feud between tribes, Yemen is open for exploration. This country has a beautiful and dramatic landscape, together with the unique culture of people and culinary delights. 

travelling enjoy with family

The Empty Quarter for example, the desert stretches in the north of Yemen. Its capital, Sanaa, which is one among the oldest cities in the history of civilization. 

4. North Korea 

Possibly, North Korea is the country that is so mysterious traveler destinations. How not, this communist country closed door meetings for visitors. But this time, you have been able to visit the capital to Pyongyang through a tour operator in Beijing, China. 

travelling enjoy with family

Come to Pyongyang, a traveler will get a lot of monotonous narration city problems. However, you will see the life behind the high fortress communist state. 

5. Chad 

Chad the country on the African continent that has over 200 tribes increasingly unequal. Located in the heart of Africa, sandwiched between Libya and the Central African Republic, Chad has petroleum as well as most major foreign exchange earner. However, the country is among the poorest and most corrupt in the world. 

But when traveling here, you'll feel the people are very friendly. The landscape is very beautiful and isolated, especially the desert as the 2nd biggest in Africa. 

6. Tajikistan 

Tajikistan is land locked country in Central Asia. Traversed the Silk Road in the old days, many narratives through Tajikistan has rich culture and stunning landscape. One of the highest mountains in the world can you see in the Pamir. 

travelling enjoy with family

Tajikistan is among the poorest countries in the world, so also one among the few visitors.

7. Myanmar 

Myanmar is the latest country in Southeast Asia that open themselves to tourists. Therefore, this country still has a lot of places that have not been touched. 

travelling enjoy with family

Tourism in Myanmar have begun to open. Destination point is definitely Rangoon, home to the Shwedagon Pagoda made ​​of gold. There is also a chart, a small town with many beautiful temples. 

8. Sierra Leone 

Sierra Leone is located on the African continent is not a popular state. This tiny country is very rich in gold and diamonds. Carrier ships 'treasure' it back and forth to the capital Freetown. However, increasingly over 70% of the people live below the poverty line. 

However, the people of Sierra Leone is one among the most friendly in the world. They are also very religious, Muslims and Christians live in harmony and tolerance together. 

9. East Timor 

Indonesian people as well as you would traveling abroad? Forget for a moment Singapore or Malaysia, try to look East Timor. The country is separated from the Indonesian th. In 2001. 

travelling enjoy with family

As well as the prediction is a fairly new country, East Timor was still not much untouched. The people are also very friendly and has proximity to Indonesia. Small country, easily explored, and that certainly beautiful.


Benefits of Vacationing Together Family


Travelling Enjoy With Family - Vacation is one among the basic needs 

travellingn enjoy with family
Do not know how much time a child has a wife and invites to go on vacation. Until now, maybe we can give arguments hassle, many promises with others or do not have the funds.

Even though, as mentioned by many experts group, go into the holidays as well as among the basic needs that must be met.

Well, to you the other day that had never held a mid-year vacation, end of year vacation opportunities this opportunity can be used also as an event to use when unison family.

Recharge Energy 

Work habits are the same everyday, inevitably lead to boredom and monotony. With the holidays, so everything was going habits and body liberated energy would be re-added.

Knowing New Places 

With the holiday so there is an opportunity to explore new places, new experiences and new view, from the people, routines, culinary and new sights.

Give fresh look 

The real impact of a vacation hold the view that would be borne more fresh and have the same views that are not understood because there are some things out there.

Learn Something 

By holding on vacation, so there is not the same leap in life because you can learn a real thing, that might alone will not be encountered during college.

Getaways as if the same suit our family? Rembukkan entirely in unison, so that in the future more meaningful vacation.


Enjoy Travelling Tour With Family, Many Benefits!

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take advantage of the weekend to spend time with family is traveling the right choice. With the exception of the inner bonding, to go on holiday to have health benefits.

Travelling enjoy with family tips
travelling enjoy with family

go on vacation time has many benefits, namely:

1. Get rid of Stress

Studies give away time off can help reduce stress hormones and can even improve blood insistence. Make the body feel younger and can improve the body's immune system.

2. Good for the Heart

Studies show that heart and liver needs a vacation too, Framingham Heart Study showed that women who took at least eight times to go on vacation in two years time. once could eat menutunkan risk of coronary heart. Some 32% of people die earlier due to coronary heart disease than those who do tourist activities.

3. Proximity Family

Professor da Tourism Hospitality Management at Purdue University, Xinran Lehto and other Purdue researchers have reported about the positive effects of vacation on the family.

The closeness and bonding between fabric of both families can be established after the time of going on vacation.

4. Wise Decision

Vacation can be at rest that can give freshness of mind. According to research done by the National Institutes of Health. After several days free from daily stress, it is possible to make provision for a more discreet in the workplace (not a provision in a relatively quick time reactive).

5. Make Happier

Women who choose to go on vacation time (a year or 2 x) likelihood of developing depression is lower than the tourist activities that do not, according to a study of this sort of thing in Wisconsin.

According to research in the Netherlands, after a vacation so will feel the positive effects become more well and happy


Travel Insurance Tips Wearing Much as may be | Travelling Enjoy With Family


Travelling Enjoy With Family - For those of you who frequently travel out of town or out of the country be it for business problems or enjoy travelling with the family, so it helps you make the protection of your trip with travel insurance. The main intention of travel insurance that makes your protection from possible along the way you do it. Likely the most fatal of the trip, especially with the plane crash. If you are not covered by insurance, so cost recovery is costly accidents and possible loss of revenue because you can no longer actively work will make your finances getting worse as had fallen down stairs. For the purposes of this travel insurance necessary.

Whatever is covered by travel insurance? With a general way the following points covered by travel insurance

The possibility that due to accident, illness along the way, the cost of medical healing, etc..
Losses due to the cancellation of the tour cost, departure delay or acceleration of the schedule that has been collated, the losses due to the technical problems of the related airline, behind aircraft, aircraft piracy, and loss of, damage to, or entrainment of luggage.
 travelling enjoy with family

How steps to obtain travel insurance? 

Now this is almost entirely a travel agency in kompliti by means of the possibility of travel insurance protection. You stay convince it to your travel agent. If there is no insurance coverage, you can ask the agency to the trip. 

Advantages wear travel insurance: 

User travel insurance more seriously mistaken in doing tourist or business travel, therefore, if you make a trip abroad and had to stay several days, so the embassy is easier to agree on your visa request. 

Travel insurance claims procedure 

By way of general travel insurance claim procedure is as follows: 

If the ongoing possibility of an accident or illness example, pointed speedily complete your system with the claim form with supporting documents such as copy of flight ticket (e-ticket), the original boarding pass, a copy of the front page of the passport, copy of passport page where risk takes place. 
If you need medical care in the state intent, so the system can claim dialkukan with 2 steps (depends policies and working relationships with the travel agents insurance companies) which costs paid promptly by your travel agent or system change after the loss of your return to the country of origin.

With a special way, there are two claims are often submitted by the insured on the insurance providers pearwatan perjalanana the cost of medical claims and disability claims continue to cause accidents or death by mechanisms such as the following claims: 

Complementary documents claim form: 
The original claim form 
Copy of ticket / travel itinerary 
Copy of passport 

Complementary documents claim the cost of medical care 

Original receipt of cost recovery 
Medical info from the hospital as well as the results of laboratory control 
Medical reports results of hospital visits 
Medical info from the hospital or the doctor who treated him 
Receipt for plane ticket / rail / sea transport 

Overall mortality and disability due to accident continues 

The original letter of medical information 
An autopsy original / notarized 
The original police report / legalized 
The original death certificate / legalized 
The results of X-ray control 
The letter continues defect information from the treating physician

Avoid rejection guide travel insurance claims 

If you follow the entire agreement clause listed in the insurance policy, travel insurance so your claims will be accepted. Actually many of us who do not understand, or do not care about it until their claim was rejected by the insurance company. To avoid this it is a good idea to learn a lot of things as a driver following your claim is not accepted by the insurance company: 

Not including in clause (contractual agreement), for example: death due to an accident, but in fact because the client died so sick death claims will not be paid 
Also included in the exceptions, for example: natural disasters, nuclear, war, and they travel ban by local authorities on autu place, and the time to do exercise extreme accidents, such as bungee jumping, horse riding, diving, and so on. 
Documents that are not complete so often triggers your travel insurance is not accepted. You can learn what are the documents required Yag like the description above. 
Too late to pay premiums that are due or even not buy an insurance policy has been purchased ticket despite traveling. 
Too late to do insurance claims, generally obtained when the tolerance is in 30-60 days. 
Included in the group of insurance crime, namely self mencemoohkai intend to obtain insurance claim.

take advantage of the travel insurance tips enjoy traveling with family
hopefully useful for those of you who do business or tourist trips


Indonesia at a glance - traveling enjoy with family

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information about indonesia at a glance | travelling enjoy with family - Indonesia, this is an amazing country. A place where there are a few things you will get in the beautiful green islands are said to be zambrud this equator.

travelling enjoy with family

 Travelling in Indonesia , A charming country with a diversity of natural and cultural charm, blends together the people are friendly and can give the impression of depth.

Nusantara Indonesia or another name. This is the largest archipelago country in the world with the total number reaching 466 13. island. Divided into five major islands and 30 smaller islands group. Archipelago is made up of mountains stretching from west to east, through which the Equator and there between the continents of Asia and the Australian continent, and is surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean to put it in a strategic location in the world. 

With several thousand islands stretching over 120 km 5., location Indonesia comprises 30 percent of the land, 70% is just the scar oceans. Indonesia's land area alone amounted to 1 910 000 km2 and vast oceans is 6 279 000 km2. Great location that make Indonesia an area of ​​the United States or the equivalent distance on the London and Moscow. Popular islands in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua, and the scar is smaller islands. Semasing island has the particularity of culture, customs, beliefs, food, narrative history, and beauty of the landscape that can make anyone chuckle too will admire. 
Indonesia has a growing population of over 235 million people or fourth most populous in the world. Comprising approximately 350 ethnic tribes with 483 Idioms and culture. Think of the diversity and cultural richness that can coexist with a harmonious way. Most of the population are Muslims and mosques are popular because the number is so large and major contributor to the world's most pilgrims. 
Today, after six decades of independence, Indonesia has become the third biggest democracy in the world. International people already know the people of Indonesia because of moderation and tolerance. Indonesian known world people have successfully handled religious and racial inequality feud. 
Starting from hundreds of years this location has been visited by various nations namely India, China, Arabic, and Persian. They've left a cultural legacy today can still enjoy. Furthermore, most of the Europeans and the Japanese came to this country the Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch, and Japanese, they are tempted by an amazing wealth of this country and successfully plugged the colonial rule and occupation. 
travelling enjoy with familyIndonesia is a country with a high artistic taste traditional arts not only wealth creation but has brought him success at the highest level. Religious ceremonies and rituals that exist almost in all regions make unique attraction for tourists. The objects of traditional handicrafts such as sheen jewel of Martapura, gold and silver in Surabaya, Yogyakarta, enjoy the music as well as contemporary trasisional, exotic dance as well as meaningful, paced modern cosmopolitan life in the big city while shopping diverse world-class products in a variety of clothes boutiques, to craft. If you are interested why not unlimited spending some local goods sold in traditional markets as well as the side of the road, of course you can remove bargaining skills. 
Do not miss also to taste the various culinary adventure flavor cross-legged on the edge of the road to the famous restaurant of international class. Do not forget also spending while bringing home souvenirs typical of the region. You can also fascinated with the original 327 type takstil archipelago, such as batik, songket, embroidery, weaving, and many others, made ​​of silk and cotton with motifs of traditional regional specialties as well as modern. It is a lot of craft skilled hands can be a souvenir fit and impress people waiting for your tour narration. 
If you dare why not start getting ready adventurous nature or nautical tourism throughout the week that are able to provide a memorable personal experience. If you want to make a trip on the small island in the archipelago so this would be a fun experience. Is not because there are many unexplored islands, not even named yet you will also marvel at the panoramic view of the mountain, a waterfall that flows into rivers, combined with the coolness of the tropical forests of the sea, the waves surging surf or dive in the depths of the deep blue sea . Well, what if you try to swim with a dugong, dolphins, or large mantaray.
Indonesia blessed with beautiful nature of lush rice fields in Java as well as beautiful terraces in Bali with exotic culture. There are some elegant tropical rain forest in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, or as extensive grasslands of the savannah with no limits Nusa Tenggara. How well, if you put a place to climb up to the tip of the iceberg in the Jaya Wijaya eternal, Papua? 
Indonesia's marine wealth put general curved. Predicted, extensive coral reefs in the world won the 284, 300 miles. square. Indonesia has about 18% of the world's coral reefs, the most biodiverse overstraining over 2500 types of fish, 590 types of coral stone, 2500 type Mollusks and crustaceans type 1500. Under the sea some scientists find prehistoric coelacanth fish in North Sulawesi. Here there are several hundred species of fish and amazing coral. In Sumatra found that progeneticaini Paedocypris fish has a size larger than a mosquito with a length of 7, 9 mm, there is also a Python reticulata in Sulawesi, which has a length of 10 mtr .. 
Various types of flora and fauna living in Indonesia of land ranging from the time of prehistoric giant Komodo as well as the world's largest lizard species that live on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. Indonesia so countries that have the most shark species in the world by number of 150 species of sharks, leopard sharks one of them. There is also an orangutan in Borneo, one-horned rhino in Java, Sulawesi anoa, dwarf buffalo, crested parrots are beautiful, there are also birds of paradise in Papua, which seemed to reflect the attractiveness of unspoiled islands. 
travelling enjoy with family
Do not forget, Indonesia also is the habitat of the Rafflesia Arnoldi, the biggest flower in the world who live in Bengkulu. Indonesia has the largest orchid biodiversity in the world with 6 thousand types of orchids, from the greatest tiger orchid (Grammatophyllum speciosum) to the smallest such that Taeniophyllum leafless, including the rare black orchid and only exist in Borneo and Papua. Indonesia also has various types of spices, aromatic wood and a variety of fruits. 
Indonesian thousands in the city of Jakarta, located on the northern coast of West Java side. The city is at the center of government, business and financial center. A big city, a modern metropolis with a community of 9 million people. Currently Jakarta so the cultural mix of ethnic groups which are not entirely the same from all of Indonesia. 
Major cities in Indonesia such as Bali, Medan, Padang, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar are connected by national and international airlines. There is regular aircraft can take you to various cities in Indonesia or remote islands where it could begin an exploration as well as tours in Zambrud this Equator.
travelling enjoy with family

enjoy travelling with family is very happy - Travelling Enjoy With Family


Travelling Information


Travlling Enjoy Wih Family - Tips

Every moment will travel, everything must be prepared to cook. The majority guide when you need to look before traveling. 

travelling information
Begin with research about the area or mean that you will go, when it would have added a good map. 

You must gather as much information as possible about the intent. Whether the area is a mountain, or beach. Never had one costume or wrong with the weather the time traveled. 

Make a list of the main documents that must be taken. For example KTP, main telephone number, ATM and others. 

Make hotel reservations, car, train or flight as well as in the beginning. Except maybe cheaper also avoid running out of tickets. 

Pay attention to the weather. You can think about what a lot of clothes or equipment that needs to be put up and taken. BMG Although we can not provide warranty weather in Indonesia, at least you acquire approximate weather. 

Check back of your credit card, if very likely want more credit, or create a new credit card that can be received in many places. Check validity. Bringing ATM mistaken safer than carrying cash money too excessive. 

Check the date of your valid driver's license. Extend SIM only require when most hours. So, if it is necessary to extend the time set aside. 

Create an itinerary (itinerary) you, some place where you are going to visit, there was not a great place that miss or too much use of the time in one place until you've never explored that area. 

Why not find out routine or culture that will place you go because once will help adjust and touch. 

Make transportation arrangements with the cook. If you use a private car so do not forget to check the whole side of the car. 

Make a note of what are some things that you will take from start to type toiletries shoes required. Observe also a few items of interest for you who have small children. 

Reduce consumption of foods that contained a lot of salt when the salt content before melancong because water content can be put on the body. If the journey is too long and you sit so many feet will membengak because a lot of the salt water caused it. You also will often go back and forth to the toilet to urinate. 

Consume with vitamins regularly because the length of the trip and the weather can affect the state of health. 

If you are planning a visit to the area that requires the injected vaccine or specific drug taking, do. For example, when taking quinine pills before going to Papua to avoid malaria for instance you are attacked. Add both wary of falling on your holiday or sick all the time back home. 

Adequate sleep is needed to protect the health of the state. Moreover, one day before the holiday departure. Rest of the body is a liability.


Vacationing Tips to Kuta Beach Bali

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Travelling Enjoy With Family-In Kuta Beach Bali prefix only a village which is quiet and peaceful which have the beautiful and memorable waves away from the hustle and bustle breathe. But now located in Kuta that our beloved country Indonesia has been so intent foreign tourists who are very popular in all the world. Kuta beach is usually visited by tourists who want to Crowded enjoy the beauty of marine tourism. 

Kuta Beach is where you can surf, swim and sunbathe at the beach which is very beautiful and charming. Visitors usually come with casual clothes and use shorts, shirts and flip-flops to get around around Kuta. Some tourists are generally shopping and eating at home a culinary tour which is located outside the room, so they will feel like a place that is very natural. 

In Th. The 1960s, there was only only one hotel in the Kuta Beach Hotel Kuta, and then without any thought-guessing in the Kuta tourist today has grown faster so intent favorite backpaker some surfers and travelers from diverse world. If you would prefer a situation which is more quiet, so you can move on to the village of Sanur section peninsular opposite terms. 

Kuta Beach Bali now has grown to be the area of ​​tourism facilities that possess super complete. In Kuta Bali you will see a lot of shops, hotels, restaurants, and pubs. Altogether the place was enough variety so you can choose a simple reply to that is quite a lot of exclusive and scattered over the main street of Kuta to Legian. 

In Kuta Beach Bali you can play parasailing, banana boats and the traditional style of massage that are on the edge of the beach from the local community and some who twist the hair. Beyond that, too, the attractions that you can do in Kuta is Bali Bungee Jumping and Slingshot. Briefly before at sunset, you do not have time to come to the beach passes make look beautiful sunset at Kuta beach which is very popular. As the day was approaching night so the night life in Kuta will be prefixed with the beat of the music from most bars and restaurants, as well as a few shops that are open until dawn. For those of you who come from outside the city of Bali and looking for best hotel and cheapest, please Click Here. !! 

Th October. 2002 in Kuta never lasts incident shock bomb tillage few terrorists place precisely at Paddy's café, so then here are already made ​​monument Ground Zero for returning recalled the tragedy that makes getting over 300 people were killed according to which some of the victims of the bomb is an Australian citizen and some Indonesian workers.

Guide To Travelers who Come at Kuta Beach Bali 
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  1. Always prepare a sunscreen cream makes your skin protection. 
  2. Bring more clothes most especially shirts. 
  3. If you are someone who wants travelers cheap accommodation in Kuta, bertandanglah to Poppoies Lane Alley, where you can select the motels and restaurants that are reasonably priced. 
  4. For culinary cheap, you can visit the food stalls that offer cheap rates which is about 2 minutes if you walk from Poppies Lane 1. 
  5. Almost in every night there are attractions in Kuta Bali dance performance. You can ask questions at the local community if you want to know where and waktunnya.


10 Most Beautiful City in the World Tourism Places | Travelling Enjoy With Family


Travelling Enjoy With Family -To help you choose where to go on your next vacation, then in this article we compiled a list of the most beautiful sights in the world mean using opinions and references from some people who have often done the trip from the most reliable as well as travelers. Location for a vacation in the world as well as in the ranking list in this article were taken from most major cities in the world, such as Paris, New York, and the big cities other. We expect these references can help steer you toward the purpose of your next vacation. Please select the location for your favorite holiday below to help you make sure the location for a vacation that is best for you visit.

1. Paris 

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The first list for the most beautiful sights in the world is none other than the fashion capital of City Paris.Tahun this mode after year attracts millions of tourists who want to see the beauty of the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame as well as incorporate it into their holiday list. But the main attraction of Paris not only that, visitors usually will really fall in love with the beauty of the ancient Paris cafes, boutiques, shopping districts and the corresponding trend unmistakenable charm je ne sais quoi.

2 London 

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We intend to put London on the 2nd list of the most beautiful sights in the world, because London has its own advantages. Dynamic environment with a combination of historic buildings and homes on modern attractions will make you forget the time of the days when a vacation to this place. You can visit most of the places we recommend, one of which the Tower of London and the British Museum or perhaps explore the Portobello Road and Borough Market.

3 Barcelona 

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Although the city's most beautiful sights in the world is more familiar because of having one among the best football club in the world, but Barcelona are offering increasingly more limited to the football club, because the city is filled with a variety of interesting attractions that will surely make you feel at home to linger -lama visit in this city. Barcelona is a city that is suitable for travelers who like to capture beautiful moments and photographed them with other activities. Visitors can way through medieval architecture in the Barri Gòtic and the innovative creations of Gaudi in Parc Guell. The moment you can also visit the bustling Las Ramblas which is almost in the whole hour.

4 New York 

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If you are looking for the most beautiful city in the World tourist attraction that always bother with daily busyness, the City of New York is an urban adventure that is not limited. You can road through Central Park, tour the exhibition at the Met, see a Broadway show, or maybe read carefully in SoHo boutique. And at night, you will be amazed at berkilauannya Manhattan skyscrapers from the top of the Empire State Building.

5. Sydney 

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City of the World's most beautiful tourist object below is a growing metropolis that offer more than a place of entertainment called an icon of Sydney (eg, the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge). Sydney offer warm weather and sunny climate is ideal for enjoy panoramic city beach. Sand at Coogee and Bondi beaches bring local people and tourists each year.

6 Rio de Janeiro 

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Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and São Paulo is the intention of the most beautiful sights in the world who entered the hottest groups in South America, and it's not just for warm weather only. Rio de Janeiro has certainly been popular icons in all the World, the statue of Christ that stands on the mountain and has attracted millions of tourists from all over the world. In Rio de Janeiro you will find a very festive event and has been very popular, which shows the Rio Carnival is a feeling hard to find a match in the World for comparison carnival.

7 Zurich 

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You are looking for the most beautiful sights in the world are just not the same from the other cities? You can select the city of Zurich, because in this city you can swim in Lake Zurich in the summer and skiing in the Alps in winter pegungan, Zurich attracts millions of visitors over the years .. City of Zurich also has some delicious pastry shops are plentiful, such as museum , churches and several stores in Bahnofstrasse. At night, you can visit the bar in edgy Zurich.

8. Praha

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City of Prague is a city that is unique and often also on call as well as some secret location for vacation located in the backpacker area of ​​the capital of Eastern Europe that has developed. Narrow streets in this city is the iconic symbol and the Charles Bridge and St. Vitus Cathedral. You can also enjoy local Pilsners are spread in most bar in the city of the most beautiful sights in the world.

9. Budapest 

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Budapest is the city that dreamed up some travelers for each trip to Central Europe. The most beautiful city in the world tourism serve diverse types of travelers with a variety of companies as well as the cost of the hotel as well as restaurants. In Budapest, you will enjoy a variety of hot springs and facilities and a variety of world-class museums spread across the city.

10 Hong Kong 

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The final list for the city's most beautiful sights of the World, is Hong Kong. In the city you will find topics Hong Kong Disney park in collaborate with a variety of ancient temples. You can also cheap shopping carefully in most street markets, or maybe ride the Star Ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui pier and visiting Victoria Peak and see the stunning panorama from the top spot.

That's 10 list of the most beautiful sights in the world. 
Happy holiday home | travelling enjoy with family


Destinations in Sweden

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1. Stockholm, Sweden
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Popular Stockholm's Old Town crowded by tourists, but the narrow streets continues to explore exciting-make sure you try the waffle cones are rolled by hand. TripAdvisor Travelers also refer Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet), which is a look at the Vasa, a large warship that sank on its maiden voyage th. 1628, as well as the pace lifted out of the Port of Stockholm. Do not miss: Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet), The Old Town, Drottningholm Palace and Court Theater

2 Gothenburg, Sweden
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Most major cities in Sweden to-2 has the beauty of land and sea. Broaden your horizons at the Museum of World Culture, visit the fish market Feskekorka to look for antiques, or maybe enjoy a wonderful evening with music in Gothenburg Opera House. Admirers metal flow like the loud music throughout the two-day lucky because every summer, Gothenburg Festival held Metaltown. Do not miss: Southern Goteborg Archipelago, Slottsskogen, Volvo Museum

3 Malmo, Sweden
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Malmo is the third largest city in Sweden and home to the Oresund Bridge, which connects Sweden with Denmark over the Oresund Strait. City with the history of this industry is currently going to college as well known buildings that are environmentally friendly. Do not miss: Lilla Torg (Little Square), Oresund Bridge, St. Petri (St. Peter's Church)

4 Visby, Sweden
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Visby is among the most important medieval city in Scandinavia. Each of each month. August, the city hosted the medieval week, complete with distinctive dress, party, and martial arts on horseback. However, you are required to visit Visby ill at mo. Of August to the middle of it feel age feel of history. Quite trace the cobblestone streets of the city in which the winding, follow the tour to the Old Town, and visit the church from antiquity to the 13th. You are less likely to forget the 13 days of wall that stretches for three miles. encircle the city and never functioned as a bastion of many intruders. Do not miss: St. Nicolai Ruin

5 Gavle, Sweden 
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Boulongerskogen City Park, Gavle calm and beautiful destination that is rich in natural charm, from wooden houses various colors to some lakes. Fishing and canoeing is most popular preoccupation space in this city. All the city can be surrounded by easy to wear system bus and taxi are very good, but most cool step to enjoy the panorama is by walking or riding a bicycle may, while a visit to several shops, pubs, and restaurants over the road. Each winter, students as well as local traders will make a popular Gavle Goat of straw, versus the giants of the Swedish Yule Goat. It has become a habit in Gavle start since 1966 Do not miss: The Prison Museum of Sweden, The Swedish Railway Museum, Mackmyra Svensk Whisky

6 Uppsala, Sweden 
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Does that make Uppsala has the characteristics of young, interest, and optimistic? The city punyai Uppsala University, the oldest center of higher education in Scandinavia. But so, Uppsala is not only limited to the city campus. It is the fourth largest city in Sweden, with the largest cathedral in the country as well as the palace of the era Uppsala 16th. Visitors are not going to run out of the busyness in Uppsala hence no museums, parks, river tours, and a variety of shops and cafes. Do not miss: Uppsala Domkyrka, Gustavianum Museum, Botanical Gardens (Botaniska Tradgarden)

7 Nacka, Sweden 
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Nacka offer two advantages are best for many travelers: a vacation in a beautiful rural area with a large and bustling city that is currently easily accessible. Stokholm easy to grasp wear buses, cars, trains, or possibly boat. Nacka make lightening access to holiday weekend so the end of the tune a lot of people to people Stokholm, the more fitting ski season. Rustic-style houses from the era of the 18th and the houses of the era of the 20th gave the feel of Swedish culture for many visitors. Nature reserves and recreation Velamsund Hellasgården be an ideal spot for a lot of outdoor fans. Do not miss: Stockholm By The Sea

8 Falun, Sweden 
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Falun is a prefix in the wake around the copper mines, is now so popular tourist destination. Mine, named the Great Copper Mountain was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in th. 2001, and can be surrounded with an official guide. Other attractions which must be visited by the Great Pit depth 95 mtr. formed due to the collapse of the mine on th. 1687 Although Falun mining history so the most prominent tourist spot, but travelers can also enjoy a variety of traditional events, such as the Swedish Ski Competition, Falu Party, and Falu Cruising. Do not miss: Dalarnas Museum, Falu Koppargruva, Carl Larsson-garden

9 Linkoping, Sweden 
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Linkoping is a big city with a small city state. All things in this city, starting from museums and medieval buildings to rural areas, lakes, and canals. Cycling is popular among the steps to get around the city. Tourist info office and various bike shop in this location ready the best cycling route map for sightseeing. Attractions that must be visited include 12th-era cathedral, palace era 13th, Gamla Linköping (Old City), and the museum is open. Do not miss: Swedish Air Force Museum, Society of Gothenburg, Linkoping Cathedral

10 Kiruna, Sweden 
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Sunset Many busyness that can be done in Kiruna for some adventurous outdoors and urban tourists. Because adjacent to the Arctic Circle, Kiruna so the location for a winter vacation that's fun for skiing, snowboarding, and dog sleds, ice fishing and snowmobile jump. The place promised sun without stopping at mo. June and July and easy access to Kebnekaise, the highest mountain in Sweden. The old church in this town, Kiruna Kyrka, which is one among the largest wooden building in Sweden. Do not miss: Kiruna Iron Mine, Esrange Space Center in Kiruna Sleddog Tours